I was reading online the other day that by the age of 2 children should be able to build a block tower that is at least 6 blocks high.
Vincent is only 17 months old, but in typical New Mom Chelle OCD fashion I started to panic and asked Rob:
"Can he do this?"
"Are you sure? Six whole blocks?"
"You've actually SEEN him do this?"
"Yes," with much less patience
Apparently, I spend 13 hours a day with the kid and am completely oblivious to his accomplishments. Rob gets to see him 2 hours a day and is the foremost authority. I made a mental note to do some research on how to pay better attention.
I know that Vin has a current fixation with boxes. No matter the place or size of the box whenever he sees one the shrieks "BOTZ!!" We think it's funny and indulge him whenever possible. Lately our living room has been littered with empty food boxes, mailing boxes, moving boxes, and the like. Our only rules with the boxes are: don't peel them, eat them, or use them to climb up on things or we will take them away. He's been having a blast. He even put one on his head, walked around the room and smack into the buffet table. He fell on his butt in dazed confusion. It was so funny but happened way to fast to get a picture. I told Rob to put the box back on his head and give him a shove toward the table again so I could get a picture. He just looked at me like I was crazy and said would be "too mean." OK whatever, he says mean, I say funny...it seems we have different parenting styles.

New "botz" house all prepped with blankie for easy sleeping.
Mailing "botz" - excellent outerwear for those cool island days.

Happy poser "botz" face...this is his new goofy look for the camera when he wants to be silly.
Yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen and Vin was playing in his playroom when I realized that things had gotten too quiet. (Still need to do that pay attention research by the way.)
I turned around and to my total delight and amazement my genius prodigy of a son singlehandedly put all my fears to rest. He had built a tower that was 14 pieces high! I watched in amazement as he put the final piece on top and made a mental note to do research on early toddler architectural training.