What is the difference between Accomplishment and
Achievement? To many people the words are one and the same. For me they are completely different.
I had never really given it much thought. The words are
synonyms and by definition the same. I
have had a few experiences lately that have helped me to realize that there is
a very slight but powerful difference between the two. In my life accomplishment and achievement are
defined as completion and conquering.
If you’ve read this blog at all you know that I have
struggled with my weight. In the past 5
years I have weighed anywhere from 200 pounds to 143 pounds on one glorious day
in 2010. My weight loss journey is
something I strive to achieve and attempt to share.
My path to personal success and fulfillment with my business
is something that I have achieved. I
work hard with intent and desire with a singular goal in mind.
I accomplish things like cleaning the house, paying bills,
driving all over creation, and pulling weeds. I go through
the motions to simply get things done or “put a check in the box” as my
military friends say.
The two biggest things that define me as a person are my
weight loss journey and how I have built my direct sales business. I say define me because those are the things
that other people notice and comment to me the most about. These are my major life accomplishments. These
are things I work on with great intention daily. (Please note, we are not
talking or even mentioning raising or birthing babies in this scenario, that’s
a whole different topic for another day.)
I have been thinking about this a lot because in the past 2
months I have had the opportunity to spend time with people I love and have not
seen for periods of one year up to 6 years.
I have found it fascinating how people respond to the healthier me.
Them, with wonder in their voice: Oh Michelle, you look wonderful! (Also insert fantastic, fabulous, amazing, great, so much thinner, etc.)
Me, uncomfortable and embarrassed: Thank you so much.
The next question is always what gets me…
Them, with even greater wonder: How did you do it?
Now this is an innocent enough question that has been asked
of me by nearly everyone. The question
is not what I find fascinating; it is how they respond to my answer.
When I start to tell them about my decision to become
healthy they listen. When I tell them
how I cut out most of the sugar and carbs, they start to fade. When I mention the AdvoCare they perk up a
bit but then wane after they hear me say words like 24 days, exercise, and daily
supplements. At this point, I have all
but lost their attention. Now, some
repeat the compliment and walk away, while others keep pressing. They will ask, “Well what happened with that stomach thing? You had something removed didn’t you?” When I start to tell them the specifics they
lose interest quickly because it is medical and boring.
This conversation has happened over and over with person
after person and it is seriously messing with my head. These are the things I have realized: People
are looking for a magic reason why this happened to me and not them. They are also listening for how they can do
it for themselves.
They want to hear things like I took one magic pill and spun
in a circle and the weight just disappeared overnight or they discount the weight
loss because, well it must have been the bubble. They find it comforting somehow to think I
had surgery and in removing the bubble the major part of the weight loss was accomplished. I have even had someone ask me if I had gastric
bypass surgery! They want a quick,
magical, dramatic answer. They want to
hear something that they know they can do themselves.
In doing so they discount and attempt to discredit my
achievement. Only a handful of people
have actually listened and simply responded, “Great job! Good for you!” I have also found it interesting how people
feel so comfortable talking about my appearance now that I am thinner but never
once complimented me on my hair, or clothes, or eyes when I was 200
pounds. Somehow in becoming smaller I have
become more visible.

I am always embarrassed to share the story because it feels
like bragging. I would prefer people
didn’t know. But when they do, I
appreciate the awe in their voice when they pause and say, “Wow!” But then again it is followed by the question
of, “How did you do that?” Then the same
thing happens…I answer with specifics and once they hear that I did not find
some magic loophole to success they typically stop listening.
People want easy answers. They want to believe that these huge
achievements are something they can do too.
But what I find interesting is that most people are not interested in
the work. I don’t think it is because they are lazy but because they don’t
believe that it is possible for THEM.
That is the difference between accomplishment and
achievement. Do you see what I mean now?
ANYONE has the ability to do the things I have done. I am not unique or special. I have not found the magic solution to weight
loss and direct sales success. But what
I do have is belief, desire, and tenacity. I am going to succeed because I am crazy enough to believe I can!
I am a little nut who holds her ground with the intent of becoming a mighty oak one-day.
If you want the quick answer here it is…WORK HARD, KNOW YOU
know it is not glamorous. I cannot
promise you that it will be easy, but what I can promise it that it will be
worth it.
I am not even talking about big life shattering things like
extreme weight loss or business building…start with something small. If you wish you had a cleaner house and only
go through the motions to get it done, then start there.
Understand why having a clean house is important to
you. Believe that it is a simple
challenge that you absolutely can conquer.
Create a plan to set a timer for 15 or 30 minutes everyday to tidy up
and scrub something. Actually follow
through with the plan…and DO NOT STOP until the process becomes second
nature. You will find that cleaning
becomes not only rewarding but you become faster and more focused on ways to
increase the challenge to achieve more.
Success in any scale, which comes from your own determination, is like a
drug that you cannot get enough of. It
is the point where you realize that YOU have the ability to make things
happen. YOU in your thoughts and actions
are what it takes to create the life that you want.
The simple answer I want to give to the question, “How do I
do it too?” is this, “Decide, then do.”
My favorite part about my business is that I get to train,
encourage, and motivate people. I love
helping people see themselves differently.
It is the most amazing thing to see someone step off the edge of
disbelief and start to soar because they made a decision to believe in
I am not at all extraordinary. Many thousands of people have done what I’ve
done. I still have to work hard everyday
and some days I absolutely do not…some days I just phone it in. But the next day I wake up and press on. I believe there is more to achieve. I believe that my life has a purpose and I
know it is not to bring attention to myself. I work, press, toil, and believe so that I can be
better. I want to build my experience and
For some strange reason
people want to hear the crazy ideas and stories I have to share. That is a gift that has been given to
me. It took many years of struggling and
self-doubt before I realized why I am the way that I am…but more importantly what
does it mean and what do I do with it? I am here
to share my stories to add something of value to the lives of
others. I strive to plant seeds of ideas. To help people see the world
around them, and themselves, in a different light. I am no one special. I just know who I am. I am here to entertain, encourage, and
empower…and that’s not a bad gig.
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