This weekend we put together Vin's big boy bedroom. Grandma Kathy gave him all the necessities to create a Disney Cars theme. He has the sheets, bedspread, throw blanket, pillows, and wall stickers. Rob got him these two cheesy plastic nightlights shaped like Lightning McQueen and Mater. He absolutely went nuts when he saw it all put together.
Here is a video of happy boy in action:
He was more than eager to climb in and roll around when it was daytime, but when it was time to sleep
whoo boy! He screamed and fussed and we made about a million trips back and forth putting him back up in the dang bed so he would go to sleep. The child is stubborn (he gets that from his dad)! His new 2 year old thing to do is scream at the top of his lungs like he is on fire. It is a charming trait that I cannot wait till he outgrows. We have had 4 opportunities, so far, to sleep in the big boy bed and our average scream to sleep time is 1 hour and 15 min.
Today at nap time it took me and hour and a half of the "back to bed" dance until I was rewarded with blessed silence. Upon further inspection this is what I found...

At this point I'll take asleep on the floor over awake and screaming. I remember many a time as a child I too chose to sleep on the floor. Not because I was stubborn however, only because the floor just seems better somehow!