My sister went back to the states on Tuesday, Rob went back to work on Wednesday, and I had a minor panic attack. As noted earlier I now have TWO whole children that are my responsibility and I am afraid!! I like schedules, cleanliness, and predictability on a day-to-day basis. Having TWO complete and total human beings that rely solely on you does not really lend itself to my idea of organized utopia.
Wednesday after Rob left for work Vin started his day screaming bloody murder. While getting him dressed I realized that his issue was diaper rash. He absolutely would not stop screaming as long as he had a diaper on. I believe that he was in minor pain from the rash but enjoyed the full on shrieking and attention much more. He has endured rashes much worse with hardly a peep in the past. So to alleviate the noise, he went bottomless the entire morning. I hoped it might be a teaching opportunity for using the potty chair…lol, oh boy was I the tired optimist. Vin spent the entire morning saying “uh oh, mess” and peeing all over the living room rug. It was charming. On a positive note, I think he may have peed somewhere near the potty chair at some point. I take that as progress.
I caught up on chores, did laundry, and fixed meals for most of the first day.
I get to go grocery shopping alone tomorrow. I am very excited. I look forward to organizing my coupons and catching some great deals. Speaking of coupons, THANK YOU to everyone who sends me coupons from the states. I LOVE THEM! When I get them in the mail I do the happy dance, to me it is like getting an envelope of cash. I save an average of $50 every two weeks using them. The best part of using coupons overseas is that we are allowed to use expired grocery coupons for up to 6 months after their expiration date. It is awesome!
shopping alone. a true treat.