Summer time is here in Okinawa so that means, heat, humidity, and rain. It also means that I get to rotate out all the cold weather clothes and bust out the tank tops.
I always shop the off season sales online so I can get high end clothes for the kids super cheap. It is like a shopping adventure for me when I get to go through the bins in the closets and find all the new stuff I ordered last year for this new season. My bargain mama gene gets so happy to see 75% off retail clothing; Vin shoes for $4, shorts for $2, tee shirts for $2, and Vivi dresses $3.
The kids looked so cute that I had them strike some poses before we ran out the door this morning. Vivi’s hair is finally long enough to put it in a little antenna…it is so cute and now she gets perfect reception!
(you can click on any of the pics to make them bigger, you know for grandma eyes, hee hee)

Little Miss Vivi smiley face

Look at how close he is standing to her! He almost looks happy to be there!

She thinks he is the greatest funniest thing in the world…and he LOVES an audience.

I pushed my luck and made him sit right next to her on the sofa, doesn’t he look happy?

At lunch time I even got Daddy in on the action. Vivi loves her Dadddy!