Before Rob got back from Haiti, 2 months ago, I was a mere 2 pounds away from my weight loss goal of 145. Since then I have lost track of my schedule. I have not made time for myself. I have started eating copious amounts of fattening and fatty foods. I have only gotten on my cardio machine twice! In light of this fact, I have weighed in this morning at 167.4 pounds.
I am ashamed and disappointed in myself. I've released personal control of myself to the whims of the weaker part of me. It kind of makes me sad.
In 2000, I lost 40 pounds and walked a marathon in Ireland. After that I moved, lost track of myself, my schedule, my weight and ballooned up again before I even realized it. I WILL NOT allow that to happen to me again. In the past year of weight loss and being a thinner me I had found my stride and I liked it there. I want to back and do it even better.
Today Rob and I start a new journey together. While he could not sleep a couple of weeks ago he purchased the P90X fitness plan from late night TV. he needed something for himself to help him PT while he is working at this new job. He bought it to help himself get back into shape and I suspect in his own way to help me too. He sees how I have been backsliding, though he would never say anything to me.
I plan to start writing and sharing in this adventure with you. It should be torturous hell but I think that is really what I need. We will have lovely phat photos to share with you. I will give you the "real" scoop on what it is like to P90X. I'm kind of freaked out because I can hardly do a push up and definitely not a pull up. I am super excited though because Rob and I are doing it together.
He spent the whole day cooking yesterday because we are going to follow the plan 100% to the max. In 90 days I am going to have muscles for the first time ever!
So please, follow along with me. Invite your friends...this could get interesting. Before pictures to follow.