is the final day of OPERATION:
Create Your Own Path, a 30-day online event featuring 30 military spouse entrepreneurs
from across the globe. Every day for the past month one military spouse
business owner has highlighted another on their blogs. It has been a fantastic exercise in sharing
businesses, ideas, and personalities.
Day 5, I was a featured business and had an awesome
article written about me by Jenny Theuerkauf of Little Bean Designs. So now, on Day 30, I have the privilege of
introducing you to someone special too.
those of you who are not in the military I would like for you to think about
this for a minute…Imagine that you have dedicated your entire professional
existence, for nearly 20 years, to an organization that speaks a different
language from the rest of the “real world”.
You may have a folder filled with accomplishments and experiences that
illustrate your career but you have no idea how to translate them to the civilian
community so they recognize your value.
Or perhaps you don’t see your own value because you are a spouse who has
a spotty career path. A career path that
has been interrupted every few years by national/international moves or is missing
chunks of time altogether because you have been raising a family. How do you
pull together all of your unique experiences and specialized skill sets into a
resume that will get you hired? Just
contact Amy!