Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Amnesia

Babies are so very cute, especially Vivi. She is cuddly, pink, and adorable. I love the sounds she makes. I love the way she squeaks and kicks her feet. I even love the dramatic little way she cries. She frowns, her chin quivers, and she screams really loud while huge tears fall from her eyes. She’s precious…really.

But, did you know that after you have your first baby you get this bizarre selective amnesia? Well you do. I think it is nature’s way of tricking you into having more babies. You forget things. You forget how extreme exhaustion feels. You forget that you were actually so tired you ran the wash machine without detergent…or even clothes.

You forget that babies have a special timer that knows when you take a bite of food. You forget that for the first few months, ok first 2.5 years so far in my experience, that whenever you put food in your own mouth because you are starving someone will start crying or fussing or God know what else so that you cannot eat! You forget what warm food tastes like.

You forget babies use 60+ diapers in a week. And I didn’t realize that changing baby girls is much more precise than changing baby boys. They have more “areas” and folds that need to be addressed. I can’t even imagine what an infant with a urinary infection would be like. I’m a baby when I have one of those.

You forget that in order to leave the house you have to pack a suitcase full of baby stuff in case. In case of what you ask? In case of anything…hot weather, cold weather, accidents, acts of God, the planned, the unplanned…the list goes on and on. Babies have more accessories than Barbie.

And most importantly I’d forgotten that babies puke…all the time!!! Vivi is a sweet, precious, darling little spit-up machine. She is offended by clean laundry. She spews on EVE-RY-THING! This is not good for an OCD clean freak like me. I’d forgotten that Vin did this too. I’d forgotten that for months on end our whole home and wardrobes will smell like eau de old milk. Gross, gross, and yuck.

Babies are so very cute and I think this is nature’s way of ensuring that you will keep them instead of selling them on eBay.


  1. Hi Michelle! It's someone from back in the day & I'm nervous what your reaction will be. . . but, wondering if you might be interested in chatting via email? I'm not sure how to send this directly to you, so I thought I would post it here.

    Your family is beautiful and you look so happy - I was really glad to see that :)

    Alrighty, my stomach is doing cartwheels as I type this. . .

  2. Angie! OMG yes, yes, yes!

    I added a feature to the blog so you can e-mail me. It would be great to write...go there now, try it out..horray!

  3. amen to all of that. i was working on my "black hole" chapter. That is - those first few moths with a newborn.
