Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's All About the Resume

Today is the final day of OPERATION: Create Your Own Path, a 30-day online event featuring 30 military spouse entrepreneurs from across the globe. Every day for the past month one military spouse business owner has highlighted another on their blogs.  It has been a fantastic exercise in sharing businesses, ideas, and personalities.

On Day 5, I was a featured business and had an awesome article written about me by Jenny Theuerkauf of Little Bean Designs.  So now, on Day 30, I have the privilege of introducing you to someone special too.  

Her name is Amy Schofield of Schofield Strategies. 

For those of you who are not in the military I would like for you to think about this for a minute…Imagine that you have dedicated your entire professional existence, for nearly 20 years, to an organization that speaks a different language from the rest of the “real world”.  You may have a folder filled with accomplishments and experiences that illustrate your career but you have no idea how to translate them to the civilian community so they recognize your value.  Or perhaps you don’t see your own value because you are a spouse who has a spotty career path.  A career path that has been interrupted every few years by national/international moves or is missing chunks of time altogether because you have been raising a family. How do you pull together all of your unique experiences and specialized skill sets into a resume that will get you hired?  Just contact Amy!

Friday, August 9, 2013

How Did You Do It? My Shocking Answer

What is the difference between Accomplishment and Achievement? To many people the words are one and the same.  For me they are completely different. 

I had never really given it much thought. The words are synonyms and by definition the same.  I have had a few experiences lately that have helped me to realize that there is a very slight but powerful difference between the two.  In my life accomplishment and achievement are defined as completion and conquering.

If you’ve read this blog at all you know that I have struggled with my weight.  In the past 5 years I have weighed anywhere from 200 pounds to 143 pounds on one glorious day in 2010.  My weight loss journey is something I strive to achieve and attempt to share. 

My path to personal success and fulfillment with my business is something that I have achieved.  I work hard with intent and desire with a singular goal in mind.   

I accomplish things like cleaning the house, paying bills, driving all over creation, and pulling weeds.  I go through the motions to simply get things done or “put a check in the box” as my military friends say.

The two biggest things that define me as a person are my weight loss journey and how I have built my direct sales business.  I say define me because those are the things that other people notice and comment to me the most about.  These are my major life accomplishments. These are things I work on with great intention daily. (Please note, we are not talking or even mentioning raising or birthing babies in this scenario, that’s a whole different topic for another day.) 

I have been thinking about this a lot because in the past 2 months I have had the opportunity to spend time with people I love and have not seen for periods of one year up to 6 years.  I have found it fascinating how people respond to the healthier me.