Wednesday, May 22, 2013

If Today Was Your Last Day

We all know that we will eventually die one day, but what if you knew when?

Over the past week at the 9/11 Memorial in NYC and in watching events unfold in Moore, Oklahoma I cannot help but let my mind wander to the morose.  No one ever dreams that one day their name will be etched on a memorial for the world to see.

We all get up every day and go through the motions of our routine.  Get up, showered, dressed, eat breakfast, and go on with the day step by plodding step.  No one ever thinks that the outfit that they put on that day will be the last thing they ever wear.  When a tragedy strikes you don’t even know that you are walking along a train track right into a rushing train.  Things happen for the last time and you don’t even realize it…from the mundane to the profound, we just let them happen without notice in one blurry rushed haze of a day.  Shower, brush teeth, kiss spouse, pack lunches, put kids on the bus, exercise, talk to a friend, lunch with a customer, grocery shop, call your parents, sing in the car, mow the lawn, make dinner, bath time, kiss the kids, read a story, watch TV, go to sleep…everyday over and over without ever really comprehending.  Then with one single quirk of time and fate it ends without warning, done. 

It is easy to look at a tragedy from the outside and decide with perspective that you are going to take more time to notice your life and the people in it.  Everyone comes to that point eventually, and then REALLY tries for a few days or weeks to be present and grateful in their lives…but then eventually we all just go back to walking on the track.

But what if…(I KNOW that it is VERY unlikely that this is going to happen so please don’t give me mini lectures…I KNOW ok!!)…but what if you knew your life would stop next Wednesday?  It is a thought I have had time and time again since I learned about the bubble.  I mean, all we really know for sure is that they are going to take out the bubble and the right ovary.  Everything during and after that is just a big question mark.  Anything could happen.  What if it did?  It is the strangest thing to think of a possibility that your life will end Wednesday.

I have been preparing just in case.  There are rational and responsible things to do like making sure my affairs are in order and then there are the things that are kind of goofy.  For example, I need to make sure that everyone has what they need for the day to day life for the next 20-50 years give or take.  Do they have enough toilet paper, juice boxes, granola bars? Will Rob remember that Tues is trash day or should I schedule a reminder on his calendar to nag him in my stead?  I have become painfully aware of every minute that I am spending and every word that I say.  It’s almost surreal if you think about it.  I am planning for the absolute worst because I honestly believe that if I am as prepared as possible then the worst won’t happen. 

Instead I will wake up after surgery and they will tell me it was all very quick, easy, and fine.  There will be no cancer and my body did not try to kill me for making it have surgery this time. (I had 2 C-sections and my body revolted both times and scared the hell out of Rob.)  

For once in my life I am wishing for anticlimactic. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Introducing The Bubble

With the advent of Facebook it has become so very easy to keep up and report in to friends and family all over the world with the daily and mundane.  It gives me a chance the share and blurt out whatever it is that I deem appropriate at the second.  I LOVE it!  But as a means of serious broadcasting when something major or huge comes along…I’m not sure it will suffice.  This is why I am coming back around to my blog.  This is my super secret space to say whatever is on my mind however I’d like without fear of judgment.  You don’t have to be here and if you don’t like what I’m thinking then mind your own business and go read a blog about puppies or ponies or something.  This is my place to data dump and you are invited to watch as I unravel.  You are NOT however invited to judge me.  So if you are judgy, go fish.

I have something seriously H-U-G-E going on right now and I really want to talk about it in my own way uncensored, unjudged, and only to those who really give a crap.  I don’t think that the random former elementary school friend or customer I met once will want blow by blow updates about what is going on in my body and in my head right now. So here we are!

Ok so I promised huge, here it is.  I have a HUGE cyst called a mucinous cystadenoma growing in my abdomen.  And when I say huge I am not kidding.  It has completely filled my abdominal cavity stem to stern and all in between.  This thing is massive people!  I have started to explain it to the kids and we affectionately call it “the bubble”.  It makes the thing sound way more fun than it actually is.  Because I am morbid and I know you are too I asked the Doc to print me a picture of the MRI because it is seriously hard to explain to people how big of a bubble we are talking about.  So here it is: